The Gathering for Change Agents
Year One: "Mastering the Inner Game"
Program Archive
Here you will find the full collection of audio and resource archives from year one of our monthly Gathering calls. By addressing the 12 inner requirements for change agents, this program will help you meet the internal challenges that stop you from fulfilling your mission. (To browse the program archives for year two, Align Your Outer Game with the Inner, go to Year 2 Program Archive).
Listen to presentations by leading change makers and deep, open-hearted sharing with like-minded community. We have been told that many points of light are emerging out of the darkness. As one light shines, others are activated, and the effects ripple out in many concentric circles until the entire world is aflame. A great planetary shift is happening, and we must transform ourselves in order to transform the world.
Here’s where you can catch up with any part of the program you missed, review a topic that particularly speaks to you, learn more about the guest experts and explore resources to take the topics deeper. To receive notices of future calls so that you can attend live, go to
To a better world that works for everyone,
Your hosts Tom Rausch and Audrey Seymour
P.S. While there is no charge to attend any session of the Gathering, you have an opportunity to donate to the nonprofit organization associated with the True Purpose™ Institute, Amoveo Mundi, if you feel you have gained value from these calls. For more information about Global True Purpose and to donate, go to
Amoveo Mundi Donation.
10/3/12: Overview of the 12 Requirements for Change Agents with Tim Kelley
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Tim Kelley, founder of True Purpose™ InstituteTim Kelley is an acclaimed speaker and author. He is author of True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make, and coauthor of the best-selling book Wake Up... Live the Life You Love: Living on Purpose. He has inspired audiences with his message of hope and empowerment. Tim has helped many leaders find their life's purpose, and he has trained hundreds of coaches, facilitators, and consultants. He has transformed entire organizations by working with their executive teams to bring passion and inspiration throughout the work force. Before beginning his career as a speaker, author, and consultant, he was a development director at Oracle Corporation, where he worked for eight years. His clients include Hewlett Packard, American Airlines, Deloitte & Touche, Charles Schwab, Bayer, and numerous smaller companies and startups. Tim is certified by Helen Palmer to teach the Enneagram, a Certified Dream Coach®, and also a trained Voice Dialogue facilitator.
Additionally, Tim has commanded military organizations, including an ammunition handling team, an amphibious assault craft unit, a submarine repair unit, and an at-sea cargo handling detachment. He is a skilled navigator and a decorated Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics from MIT.
Download the Inner Requirements for Change Agents article by Tim Kelley that serves as the orientation and reference for the first year of the Gathering program:
11/7/12: Building a Robust Spiritual Practice with Tom Rausch and Angela Croft
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These books are highly recommended by Tom and Angela for all change agents interested in deepening their spiritual practice:
Seven Masters, One Path brings together the seven primary practices of the world’s most revered spiritual masters—Krishnamurti, Lao-tzu, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Gurdjieff, and Patanjali—in one simple yet complete program.
Access the free guided meditations made available by author John Selby. In particular, you will want to check out the quiet your mind meditation they mention in this call.
A disciplined and multi-faceted approach to daily practice is taught in these two books: Karmic Management: What Goes Around Comes Around in your Business and Your Life & The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life.
12/5/12: Sacred Guidance with Tim Kelley
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We highly recommend Tim Kelley's book True Purpose and using the many techniques described in the book to connect with your inner wisdom. The active imagination technique, first developed by Carl Jung, is particularly practical and useful for most people. This book is also available in a Kindle edition.
If you learn best with a live guide helping you out, all certified True Purpose™ coaches have been rigorously trained and vetted in their skills at helping people connect with their trusted sources. The process can be tricky and messy at times, due to our internal resistance and the skeptical parts of us that find it hard to believe we have the ability to tune into higher wisdom. If you are interested in hiring a trained coach, you can find a list of the certified True Purpose™ coaches here:
1/9/13: Tapping the Power of Your Core Wound with Jeffrey Van Dyk and Valencia Ray M.D.
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Jeffrey Van Dyk is a leader in the coaching industry, helping those who ache to impact the world. He has a deep understanding of how to harness the power of our deepest wounds in service to our highest purpose and mission in life. Jeffrey is on faculty at the True Purpose™ Institute and Dream Coach University, and holds numerous coach certifications, including being a Certified True Purpose™ Coach, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach , and Professional Certified Coach, and is president of the International Coach Federation’s San Francisco chapter.
For the last several years, Jeffrey has been exploring the leading edge of what it means turn your core wound into your sacred wound and source of unlimited power. His thriving coaching and consulting practice is a testament to his inner transformation, and his wide following in the transformation industry is a testament to his ability to help others transform.
Valencia Ray, M.D. has experienced a unique journey as an eye surgeon and medical business owner for over 20 years. She has real-life experience with applying Neuroscience to optimize organizational capacity and improve leadership and personal performance. Not only is Dr. Ray professionally trained in brainscience as an eye surgeon, beginning in 2002, she successfully transformed her business by integrating her science background, intuitive insight, and “school of hard knocks” experience to change her own mindset for the better. “Walking her Talk” as a leader is a top-of-mind value for her.
In her first book, Empower Up! Retrain your Brain to Reclaim your True Personal Power, Valencia reminds us that self-mastery is an inside job. She gives us a look inside her own journey and supports her realizations with a powerful blend of medical science, quantum physics & metaphysics.
2/6/13: Alignment with Your Parts with Beth Scanzani and Audrey Seymour
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Audrey Seymour is a teacher and certification mentor at TPI, co-developing and/or co-teaching the True Purpose Teleseminar, Fully Expressed Blessing, Purposeful Coach Training and the True Purpose™ Organization Consultant Training. She’s a Certified True Purpose™ Coach and an Organization True Purpose™ Consultant.
Audrey is Founder and Principal of Clear Change Group, a coaching and consulting collective that works internationally to help mission-based businesses and leaders increase their impact and financial flow. She has studied and taught numerous methods to transform the psyche including parts work since the early 80’s, including 18 years study with A. H. Almaas’s Diamond Approach.
Before launching her own business 10 years ago, she was a software development manager and lead engineer building 3D tools for film, video games and medical imaging. She's always been curious about the nature of how things work, from the smallest detail to the largest perspective. Astronomy was her first love, and it led her to degrees in Mathematics with a minor in Physics at the California Institute of Technology and University of California at Berkeley.
Beth Scanzani is a highly respected and multi-faceted life coach and teacher. A lifelong student and curious soul, Beth has assimilated a wealth of knowledge, resources, and strategies that draw upon a wide range of psychological, scientific, and spiritual teachings.
Beth has numerous coaching certifications (no surprise to those who know her!) including True Purpose™ Coach™, Dream Coach™, iPEC Empowerment Coach™, Energy Leadership™, Soul Therapy™, and Theoretical Foundations of Coaching with David Rock. In addition, she is a trained practitioner for Voice Dialogue™, Belief Closet ™, Intuitive Mastery™, EFT, HeartMath™ and Psyche-K™. Beth also serves as a valued guide for those who wish to explore deeper meaning, insight and guidance through their sleeping dreams and waking life stories.
As a teacher and group facilitator, Beth has co-developed and/or co-taught a number of teleseminars for the True Purpose Institute ™ including Purposeful Coach Training, Blessing Yourself, Inner Harmony and Opening to Sacred Guidance. Through her work as a teacher and coach, Beth demonstrates her dedication to providing transformative workshops and coaching in service to those who are ready to reclaim their inner wisdom, life purpose and true nature so they may wholly offer their unique gifts to others...and to the world we all share.
Read the book: Embracing Our Selves: The Voice Dialogue Manual by Jungian analysts Hal and Sidra Stone. Inventors of the Voice Dialogue process, this book is a fabulous introduction to the various voices or parts within our psyche. You will learn how to identify and improve your relationship with parts that may be interfering with the fulfillment of your life purpose and business objectives. This is one of Audrey's favorite books -- highly recommended! You can also read a brief overview article Embracing All Our Selves on their website.
Tim Kelley's book True Purpose is a great how-to manual for connecting with your parts. We highly recommend picking up a copy and using the techniques described in the book to connect with and align your parts. The active imagination technique, first developed by Carl Jung, is particularly practical and useful for most people, and you'll find several examples to follow. This book is also now available in a Kindle edition.
3/6/13: Clarity of Purpose with Beth Scanzani, Audrey Seymour and Tim Kelley
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True Purpose is founder Tim Kelley's groundbreaking book on how to find your purpose in exquisite detail. If you haven't yet, pick up a copy and use the techniques described in the book to connect with and align your parts, then connect with a trusted source and learn everything you want to know about your higher purpose. This book is also now available in a Kindle edition.
Here are a few other recommended books:
Martha Beck "Steering by Starlight"
Martha Beck "Finding Your Own North Star"
Rick Warren "Purpose Driven Life"
Robert Johnson and Jerry M. Ruhl "Living Your Unlived Life"
Here are some recommended articles:
Draw More Business By Branding the Essential You
Fuel Your Marketing With the Power of Your Purpose
If you'd like to hire a personal coach, review the list of available Certified True Purpose™ Coaches.
4/3/13: Ego Permission with Tim Kelley
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True Purpose is founder Tim Kelley's groundbreaking book on how to find your purpose, with an entire chapter on Ego Permission. If you haven't yet, pick up a copy and use the techniques described in the book to create conditions that will allow you to make the change you are meant to make in the world. This book is also now available in a Kindle edition.
If you'd like to get the best support possible with a personal coach, review the list of available Certified True Purpose™ Coaches.
5/1/13: Heal Your Limiting Beliefs with Lion Goodman
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Lion Goodman, creator of The BeliefCloset Process, is an Evocateur – one who evokes the best in others. He helps coaches, therapists, and service professionals become more effective in their practices, and helps executives and business owners break through to become better leaders.
Lion has 40 years experience transforming the lives of individuals, executives, and teams. From 1984 to 2005, he was President of The Goodman Group, an executive search and career coaching firm. In 2001, he focused on executive coaching, life coaching, and teaching his methodologies to others.
His newest book, “Creating On Purpose: The Spiritual Technology of Manifesting,” identifies the step-by-step principles needed to turn any idea into reality, using the seven chakras as a map and guidebook for the process. The book was published by Sounds True in 2012 to rave reviews. With his co-author, Anodea Judith, he teaches these principles in their “Creating On Purpose Workshop” around the world.
Lion is also the author of Transform Your Beliefs, a multimedia eBook, and Menlightenment: A Book for Awakening Men. He is also co-author of The Heart of Healing with Deepak Chopra, Dean Ornish, and others. He has been involved in men’s work for 25 years, and is a co-founder of The Tribe of Men, a men’s community in the Bay Area. He served as The Shift Network’s Director of Men’s Programs, where he created The Ultimate Men’s Summit and the Shift Men’s Initiation.
6/5/13: Core Values with Ashley Munday
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Ashley Munday is the Leader, Collaborative Strategies at Barrett Values Centre. She believes in realizing human potential and leveraging collective intention. Ashley facilitates vision-guided partnerships between Barrett Values Centre and corporations, NGOs, government agencies, consultants, and business schools. She studies the work of their 3,000 affiliated consultants and shares stories through consortium's public speaking, and media interviews. Her work has been featured on Deepak Chopra’s wellness radio, in the San Francisco Chronicle, in South Africa’s The Star, and at leadership consortia globally. Ashley spent a month studying with Tibetan Buddhists in India, has read Ken Wilber books as bedtime stories, and loves nothing more than to hike through tree-covered mountains with her husband. Above all, she believes in caring – deeply and compassionately – for all people.
The core products of her organization are the Cultural Transformation Tools. These tools have been used in over 1000 organizations to support leaders in understanding people, cultures, values and the link to performance.
Take this complimentary Personal Values Assessment offered by the Barrett Values Center. After taking your assessment, explore more about your values here. Reflect on your decision-making process. Explore the 6 modes of decision making here. For more information contact Ashley at the
7/10/13: Self-Awareness with Gina Maria Mele and Joshua Home Edwards
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Since Gina was young, she has asked questions. Why?... Why do our bodies behave the way they do? Why do I feel unsatisfied with the knowledge I have gleaned from Western Science? Is there something I am missing? Why, to all that is? What is at the source of it all? Why does our reality exist in the way we perceive it through our senses?
Some of these questions propelled her into a 10 year study of western science and allopathic medicine. She received a B.S. in Biochemistry & Cell Biology and a M.S. in Systems Neurobiology at the University of California, San Diego then continued to conduct academic research in the areas of human molecular genetics at the University Texas, Southwestern Medical School and protein biology at the University of Colorado, Denver.
Other questions led her into another nine years of study, a voyage into the internal universe - the world of beliefs. This included individual beliefs/thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, generational beliefs and cultural belief systems.
From this cumulative body of knowledge, insight and intuition a new field has emerged, one that encompasses the fields of medicine, spirituality, psychology, ontology, neurobiology, quantum physics and the study of belief systems. This field, The New Paradigm, merges what traditionally is seen as paradoxical; mind & heart, the unseen with the seen, science & spirituality, the whole & the individual, body & soul, reality with non-reality and duality with oneness. The New Paradigm, founded by Gina Maria Mele, M.S. offers workshops, teleclasses, individual sessions and trainings. She invites you to ask, What is your biggest 'Why?' and to send your responses and questions to ginamariamelems [at] gmail [dot] com
Joshua Home Edwards has served as a MaestroConference facilitator for some of the world’s leading agents of change including Barack and Michelle Obama, Joe and Jill Biden, Caroline Kennedy, Alicia Keys, Neale Donald Walsch, Lisa Sasevich, Lynne and Bill Twist from the Pachamama Alliance along with his fiancee Gina Maria Mele.
In addition to assisting these leaders and many other luminaries receive millions of dollars in sales and contributions, he has served as a tele-conference coach for organizations such as The United Nations, The World Bank,, and the National Science Foundation.
Most importantly, Joshua has said more than 1,201,312 prayers in support of the United Nations' "Billion for a Billion" campaign to help bring about a Fully Nourished world for everyone on Earth in our lifetime.
Toward this goal of creating the internal conditions where this external result can actually happen, he lives to empower people in the process of turning the monologue of our minds into a Dialogue with the Divine. You can learn more about this process by going to
8/7/13: Core Strengths with Joanna Barclay
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Working together productively doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Have you ever observed or experienced a situation where your effectiveness suffered because of differences among individuals? This challenge is all too common as differing work styles, overdoing strengths and conflict can lead to reduced engagement, absenteeism and turnover. Fortunately, there are ways to improve interactions and relationship among individuals by helping them recognize and understand their own and each other’s strengths when things are working well and when there is conflict.
Joanna Barclay is President and founder of TLC Facilitation, a total learning company. She is an enthusiastic, passionate, and personable organizational development consultant who values transforming teams and leaders resulting in high performing workplace cultures. Her many strengths include building consensus and developing self-awareness where ideas come together, enabling people’s voices, ideas and contributions to be heard. Joanna has the unique ability to engage people to such a degree that those who enter a session as individuals leave as one strong team committed to working together. She has a keen understanding of human dynamics through her work as Director for the TLEX Program (Transformational Leadership for Excellence) which enable people to reach their full potential. Joanna lives in Chelsea, QC, Canada, playground of the nation’s capital, behind a golf course on the Gatineau River with her husband Tom, and son Robert, who is the final semester of becoming a Cordon Bleu chef. With a daughter and grandson in Singapore, she is expanding her consulting practice to Asia as a way to mix business and the pleasure of staying connected with her globe-trotting family.
Joanna’s Homework Suggestions:
We encourage you to explore these wonderful no-cost strengths assessments:
9/4/13: A Vision for the Future with Tim Kelley
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Tim Kelley has never spoken to public groups before about this unique vision clarity process. You won't want to miss it!
In this call Tim covers:
Here’s your suggested homework:
10/2/13: Ease with Uncertainty with Tom Rausch and Audrey Seymour
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As an agent of change in the world, dismantling old paradigms and decreasing the comfort of certainty is part of your job description. Yet, our egos strive for predictability to ensure our physical survival.
Ease with Uncertainty is the 12th inner requirement for change agent success. Tim Kelley, Tom Rausch and Audrey Seymour led the group discussion on what gets in the way of having this ease, and what we can do to smooth our path through uncertain times.
If you do not address this mission-critical requirement, you will stall out when you get to the manifestation phase of your mission!
Recommended resources:
11/13/12: 6 Month Spiritual Practice Challenge with Tom Rausch and Angela Croft
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2/13/13: Inner and Outer Alignment to Increase Your Impact with Beth Scanzani & Audrey Seymour
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9/10/13: Clarity & Courage: Light Up the Purpose That Calls You with Tom Rausch & Audrey Seymour
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1. 10/3/12: Internal Requirements for Change Agents
2. 12/5/12: Using Trusted Source Information
3. 5/1/13: Belief Self-Diagnosis Exercise
4. 6/5/13: Personal Values Assessment
Meet the Hosts
Tom’s keystone value is love of learning. A passionate teacher and avid learner, he is valued in the boardroom for his creative perspective on familiar challenges. As a student, he’s always looking for new insights to drive continual improvement. As a trainer & coach, he’s admired for being able to bring clarity to complex situations. He believes life is for living passionately, and his passion is to make a difference in the world by working with business leaders to find new ways to connect deeply with employees, allowing the creative expression of the grandest vision of the greatest version of who they are – both as business teammates and as people. Tom holds several certifications including: Coach Training Alliance, Mastermind Executive Coach, Social + Emotional Intelligence Coach, True Purpose Coach, Barrett Values Centre Cultural Transformation Tools and Appreciative Inquiry. When not teaching at the True Purpose Institute, Tom is helping leaders and organizations under the banner of his own company, Leadership Beyond Limits. |
Audrey brings a diverse background to her coaching and consulting work, with expertise in both analytic and intuitive disciplines. Her approach originated during two decades of leading high performance multidisciplinary teams from concept to finished product in high-pressure production environments. Previously, she spent over twenty years as a software development manager and lead engineer building 3D graphics and biotech applications at Autodesk, Sega, and GeneLogic among others. She also served six years as Vice President and teacher at Speaking Circles International. Audrey's 18 years of study in the Diamond Approach of the Ridhwan School also brings a depth of understanding to the practice of presence-based inquiry. Audrey has been certified by the Coaches Training Institute, the Career Coach Institute, Speaking Circles International and the True Purpose Institute, and holds a Master Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation. Other methodology that she brings to her work include Voice Dialogue Facilitation, Appreciative Inquiry, the Barrett Values Centre Cultural Transformation Tools, and the Collaborative Operating SystemTM leadership model. She's always been curious about the nature of things, from the smallest detail to the largest perspective. Astronomy was her first love, and it led her to degrees in Mathematics with a minor in Physics at the California Institute of Technology and University of California at Berkeley. |
While there is no charge to attend any session of the Gathering, you have an opportunity to donate to the nonprofit organization associated with the True Purpose™ Institute, Amoveo Mundi, if you feel you have gained value from these calls. This will allow those who wish to participate in the law of circulation to give back for the gifts received at the Gathering.
About Amoveo Mundi: Amoveo Mundi, formerly known as Global True Purpose, was formed to create a transformed global society based on new paradigms. We do this by first facilitating dialogue among leaders of key human institutions such as business, government, the military and media to generate new paradigms, and then consulting where needed in the process of implementing the new paradigm models. Our vision is that ultimately these human institutions will be transformed and then function according to the new paradigms. Our work is system-level, complementing the True Purpose™ Institute work serving individual change agents.
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