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A Journey Beyond Limiting Beliefs

You are clear you are a change agent. You understand 2012 is here and it is time for you to act. You have the desire to be the change agent you were meant to be, and yet you are still not manifesting as you know you could. Perhaps your work has nothing to do with your purpose and you are sitting on the sidelines of global change. Maybe you are doing purposeful work, but you seem to spend all your time struggling to get by instead of creating large-scale change. Why can’t you get to the other side? What is holding you back?

There is a chasm between your inner reality as an agent of transformation and the outer reality that you are not fulfilling your mission and purpose at the level and scale you are called to. What causes this chasm are your limiting beliefs and thoughts. Many of these thoughts are unconscious, which makes them that much more difficult to deal with.

We offer you a way beyond your limitations, a way to the other side. Here you can find, embrace and be the change agent inside of you. Simply enter your name and email address in the fields on the right so you will receive all the information and guidance we have to offer you.

It will be a free, multi-media journey that includes powerful videos, educational emails and transformative teleclasses. This series unfolds the mysteries of limiting beliefs, helps you to understand how they hold you back, and teaches you about the very latest transformative techniques for dealing with them. There will be at least two teleclasses and three videos, plus informative emails. (we say “at least” because we are often guided to add more once the series is underway!) If you have already dealt with at least a few limiting beliefs in the past, your experience will allow you to get even more out of what we will offer you.

We look forward to the journey to a freer, more powerful you!

Tim Kelley
Lion Goodman
Gina Maria Mele


Copyright © 2004-2012 Timothy A. Kelley. All rights reserved.
"True Purpose, Know Your Purpose, and Purpose Hunting" are trademarks of Timothy A. Kelley.